Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Cool Advertisement Picture

Start out by creating a new document about 700×500 pixels,
resolution (DPI) of 72 pixels and then fill it with linear gradient using colors
0582ae and 0ab7db.

Step 2:

Find a nice, suitable stock photo to work with. For this you’ll want to use
one of the stock photo websites. Open up the picture and copy it to the main
canvas. Then apply the Rectangular Marquee Tool to create
selection as on my picture below, or click the shortcut keys CTRL+A then CTRL+C
then go to your other document and click on CTRL+V. To resize you you want to
press CTRL+T hold in the Shift key and drag from the corners so it resizes
without loosing quality.

Step 3:

Apply following Blending Options to the current layer:

Inner Glow: Select the box color and use 018fc4, Blend Mode: Normal,
Opacity: 30%, Choke: 0% Size: 59 px, Range: 50%, Jitter: 0%

Stroke: Size: 10pc Position: Inside, Blend Mode: Normal, Opacity:
100%, Fill Type: Color, Color: ffffff


Create a new layer under your last layer. Select the Polygonal
Lasso Tool
and create selection like mine and after that fill it with
black color.

Step 5: Edit>Fill>Black then Select>Deselect or Ctrl+D then
Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur setting the radius at 2. After that change layer
opacity to 35%, Should look a little like this:


Step 6:

Press Ctrl+J to duplicate layer, then use Edit >
Transform > Flip Horizontal
to flip copied layer horizontal and move
right under the second corner of the photo.

Step 7:

Go to the top layer and click on the new layer icon
at the bottom of your layer pallet. Select the Pen Tool
and draw a shape like a ribbon, right click select, Make a Selection and press
Ok. Then Edit>Fill>Color color #aa2041 on top left
corner. We will put advertisement text here later. Then select Ctrl+D to

Step 8:

Apply the following layer styles:

Drop Shadow: Blend Mode: Multiply, Color: 000000, Opacity: 27%, Angle:
153, Distance: 2px, Spread: 0%,  Size: 2px

Inner Glow: Blend Mode: Hard Light, Opacity: 88%, Noise: 0%, Color:
9a0f33, Choke: 0, Size: 9px, Range: 50%

Gradient Overlay: Blend Mode: Normal, Opacity: 80%, Gradient: 530021 on
the far left side and e5355a on the right side, Style: Linear, Angle: 135,
Scale: 28%

Step 9:

Create a new one layer above and merge it with previous to get all effects in
one layer. After that select the Polygonal Lasso Tool to create
selection as on my picture below. Press Delete button to clear
selected area.

Step 10:

Create a new one selection, apply the Dodge Tool (Brush: 65
px, Range: Highlights, Exposure: 50%) to make brighter part of the ribbon.
Remove selection with Select > Deselect. Apply again
Dodge Tool
, but pay your attention that we’ve have changes some of
presets: Brush: 7 px, Range: Midtones,
Exposure: 50%.


Step 11:

Use the Horizontal Type Tool
and write out something like ‘Best Seller’ with white color. Apply Edit
> Transform > Free Transform
to rotate the text.

Step 12:

Duplicate the ribbon that you made before you put the text on it, click on
Ctrl+T and move it to the right bottom corner. And repeat step 11:

Friday, December 4, 2009

An easy Photo Retouch

This is just a quick easy tutorial to show you how to take blemishes off of a
picture you have taken to make it more appealing.

Step 1:

First duplicated your layer, by right clicking and selected duplicate rename
that new layer copy. That was if you mess up you can always go back to the original
and start all over again. Also, you will be able to hide or top layers and see
the difference between the skin on what you have done.

Step 2:

Zoom 300-400% or until you can see those noticeable blemishes. Select the Spot
Healing Brush Tool
. I'm
going to start with this picture i have already zoomed in to 300%:

Resize your brush to the appropriate size to remove a blemish. Don't rush
yourself, do one section at a time so you get all the unwanted areas corrected.
Now it should something like this:

Keep doing that to all the areas until you are finished with the whole


Step 3:

Once you are done, if your picture had eye make up one and you would like to
change the color you can do so by making a new layer setting the mode to Hue or
Color and lowering the Opacity between 20-50% depending on how you want it to
look. The picture I'm using she had pink and yellow glitter eye shadow. I have
changed it to a color close to the color of her shit. and I just brought the
yellow out a little more.



Step 4:

Back back to your copy layer and delicate it again. name is copy2, set the
opacity to 50%. Select the Smudge Tool
set the strength to 50% and start going over the skin. Do not touch the eyebrows.
If you do, then you can either erase after you are done or just press the
shortcut keys Alt+Ctrl+Z and it will take you a step back. This step is
just to smooth out the skin. But remember when you are doing this step, go in
the direction of the skin. Example, the forehead, smooth your smudge brush in
small strokes left to right, you don't want to go round in circles or you the
picture will not come out right.

Final Result: Click on the photo to see a bigger picture.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Using the Extraction Filter in Photoshop

credit goes to: http://www.youtube.com/user/tutvid

Friday, November 20, 2009

Metallic Like Text

to down the material needed for this material

Step 1:

start off by selecting File > New make sure the
background is #000000 take a soft brush and change the size to 265 px,
at the bottom of your tool bar u have two
boxes with
colors in it. click on the top box
and change it to any
color. I'm going to use
the color #E9829C. Place it in the
middle and make
your circle. 

Step 2:

Now it's time to resize the gradient circle you just
made. press the shortcut keys Ctrl+T. Take your cursor and move transform it and
your soft brush eraser and erase around the gradient
circle to get more of a softer look. It should look a little
something like this:

Step 3:

Let's start designing! Click on the custom shape tool and load the Dezignus set of shapes. use the same color that you used for the gradient
circle on step 1 #E9829C. After you have
placed it on your
background, lower the Opacity to 11%
again take a large
soft brush eraser and erase around it.
Might look a little
something like this:

Step 4:

Make a new layer Now, I have just added a little more in the background to
make it stand out. Use the Lady Victorie Stars brush pick the one you want
the color #FFFFFF now it should look like this:

Step 5:

Make a new layer, load new layer, select the Halftone Pattern from the
custom shape tool, load the new shape. Set it to
the color
pick which one you want, I Used #E9829C. Then lower Opacity to 4%

Step 6:

Press the Text Tool, select your font and type your desired text. I am
the word DESIGNING

Step 7:

right click on text layer, select Blending Options > Gradient Overlay
use the following colors:

Now it should look a little like this:

Final Step:

Finishing touches, you can basically do what you want to do with this now
that you have the font set up. I went ahead and just added a drop shadow
by,  right clicking on the text layer selecting Blending Options then Drop
Shadow. Opacity is set at 75% Angle is 120 degrees Distance: 2 px and Size: 5 px
then press ok.

Gold Text

Step 1: Click on
File > New width
500pixels height

make the background black. 

Step 2: Select a new layer on your layer panel next to
the trash can.

Step 3: Select a take a 450 pixel
soft brush

change the color to this purplish color

Step 4: Then take any pattern you desire place it over the top of your layers and change the mode to

Your picture should look a little something like this:


Step 5: Next Use the
Rectangle Tool and make two boxes
diagonal from each other and set

the Opacity to 50%

Step 6: Select a new layer
then select your text tool
type your desired text. I'm going to use


Step 6: Now it's time to dress up the text. Right click on the text
layer and follow the settings below:

use these colors for the Gradient:

Now your picture should look something like this:

Now you can add other things on there to make it your own. 

This is what I did


Have fun and remember designing is fun and easy if you put your mind to it!

Reflection Text

Step 1: Click on File >
Set the width
to 400 pixels
the height
in 200 pixels
then press OK

Step 2: Open New Layer by clicking on the little icon next to the trashcan on
your Photoshop.

Now press the text tool
and put your text on it.

Step 3: Right click on this layer now & select

then select Gradient overlay and
use colors setting which are given below

then after you select ok, set the
to 0 (zero),
then click ok

should look like this:

Step 4: Duplicate this Layer by right clicking on the layer
and name selecting Duplicate Layer

now rename it duplicate text. Now with the new duplicated layer select
Filter >
Blur > Gaussian Blur

and set
radius to 3.7
should look like this:


Step 5: Now choose your first text layer &
Right click
> Blending Options > Inner Glow

& then press ok.

Step 6: Now go back to the layer we
started off with. Your background layer that is the 

color of #222222. Choose Filter
> Render > Clouds
& then Filter
> Render > Difference Clouds

Step 7: Now Select Filter
> Blur > Gaussian Blur
and set Radius
to 30.0

Step 8: Same layer still, Filter
> Stylize > Glowing Edges
follow the settings

should look like this:

Step 9: Same layer
Filter > Texture > Craquelure

should look like this:


Step 10: Go to your duplicated text layer, click on it and
click on the new layer button

Then Edit >Fill use the color
then Select
Filter > Render > Lens Flare

set the Brightness to 60%
then select
ok. Then select the
above the layer

to Screen.
Now you can move it to where you want it. It should look like this:

Step 11: Now choose your first layer text and duplicate it
again, click on

File > Transform > Flip Vertical
then lower the Opacity to 22%

Step 12: Now right click on that layer you just flipped
vertical and select Rasterize Layer

You will not be able to edit the text anymore by using your
text tool. Now click on your

eraser tool. Pick the 100 pixel soft brush and start erasing
to preferred look.


Remember designing is fun and easy if you put your mind to it!