Friday, November 20, 2009

Gold Text

Step 1: Click on
File > New width
500pixels height

make the background black. 

Step 2: Select a new layer on your layer panel next to
the trash can.

Step 3: Select a take a 450 pixel
soft brush

change the color to this purplish color

Step 4: Then take any pattern you desire place it over the top of your layers and change the mode to

Your picture should look a little something like this:


Step 5: Next Use the
Rectangle Tool and make two boxes
diagonal from each other and set

the Opacity to 50%

Step 6: Select a new layer
then select your text tool
type your desired text. I'm going to use


Step 6: Now it's time to dress up the text. Right click on the text
layer and follow the settings below:

use these colors for the Gradient:

Now your picture should look something like this:

Now you can add other things on there to make it your own. 

This is what I did


Have fun and remember designing is fun and easy if you put your mind to it!

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